Metal Print

Metal Nº 50 - Story 2
Lera Polivanova & Domenico Scialò

Metal Nº 50 - Story 1
Angie Couple & Oriol Robert

Metal Nº 50
Celebrating the now

Our new issue, number fifty, with which we celebrate our 18th anniversary, is already out. More pages and more covers than ever before; you can now get your favorite one from our online store.

Metal Nº 49 - Story 7
Pablo de Pastors & Oriol Robert

Esther-Rose McGregor
Biting the Apple

Eve's apple bite mirrors women's awakening to guilt-bound pleasure. Esther-Rose McGregor, a model and actor, defies objectification, owning her narrative.

Mark Leckey
Nebulous Memories

In an interview with Mark Leckey, we delve into how his guilty pleasures challenge art norms, celebrating joy in the mundane.

Metal Nº 49 - Story 6
Pablo Mas & Gonzalo Ortuño

Metal Nº 49 - Story 5
Kate Biel & Chloe & Chenelle Delgadillo

Not Holding Back

Her journey from Pharrell's dance squad to solo artist is marked by exploration and a celebration of humanity through her eclectic music. Dancing, music, and life intertwine in the magic and fun of METTE.

Metal Nº 49 - Story 4
Mos Regard & Zion Dezm