In our continuous search to find festivals that go a step further, that offer not only music but a great multisensory experience, it’s time to talk about ALSO. The unique event in the United Kingdom's festival calendar is finalizing the details for its 10th anniversary, taking place from 14-16 July 2023 in magical Capability Brown landscaped surroundings in Warwickshire. More than 300 events and fourteen stages will welcome us to an idyllic location with loads of activities to enjoy with our friends or family, always under the umbrella of sustainability and respect for the environment.
Consolidating itself in the last decade as an immersive, truly experiential weekend festival, ALSO has chosen “Re-Enchantment” as its theme for 2023. A term that refers to its ability to make us reconnect with nature and with ourselves through a program ranging from comedy to immersive experiences and talks to fantastic food and drink events, as well as activities for the whole family. This is an event to be inspired by through talks and lectures by profiles that have a lot to say and from whom we can learn so much, such as Jeremey Deller, Jeffrey Boakye, Jess Phillips, Nimco Ali and Claudia Hammond, among others.
Gastronomy is one more fundamental pillar on which ALSO is built, founded by Helen Bagnall in 2013 who passionately believes that coming together to go wild in the wild has no downside when it comes to living the best life. Are you looking forward to exploring the fascinating world of food from other perspectives? Here you can do it while also enjoying clever comedy shows and new bands ranging from K.O.G and Love Itoya to Get the Water, Juliet Russell. You can now get your tickets on its website.