Taking advantage of the Capricorn season, FKA Twigs has decided to release the mixtape Caprisongs, in honour of her sun sign as a gift to those who feel lonely or discouraged in these unprecedented times. With seventeen songs, it is co-produced by El Guincho and boasts collaborations with such talented artists like Shygirl, Jorja Smith, Pa Salieu, Rema and The Weeknd from their latest release Tears In The Club.
This comes after a long period of time where she herself felt discouraged and had even thought about leaving the music industry, she had had enough of opening herself up to the public and wanted to keep her private life private. After enjoying the quiet and peace of self-isolation in the middle of the pandemic, she decided that a great way to actually channel her inner demons is through self-expression and collaborating with friends and people she admired. In her own words: “I started recording my friends talking and weaved it through the mixtape like a narrative of my healing. Having such wonderful people around me to laugh with made me feel lucky.”
The mixtape, just like many other albums nowadays, includes voice notes of her closest friends, conversations that have helped her heal through such tough times, especially after her physical and mental health issues, as well as overcoming an abusive relationship. She hopes that Caprisongs will be able to see us through hardships: “if you are lonely or feel isolated or void of encouragement by your immediate circle you can borrow my friends on the mixtape.”
The mixtape, just like many other albums nowadays, includes voice notes of her closest friends, conversations that have helped her heal through such tough times, especially after her physical and mental health issues, as well as overcoming an abusive relationship. She hopes that Caprisongs will be able to see us through hardships: “if you are lonely or feel isolated or void of encouragement by your immediate circle you can borrow my friends on the mixtape.”