Paris-based Khadyak is an inspiring artist, having been a professional dancer for artists all over the world, she decided to make her own mark on the musical world and start creating her own music. She represents the underground of electronic, jumping between genres and styles, making her voice heard and uniting those who listen in dance.
Before we talk in-depth about your work, let’s get to know you better. How did you first become interested in music? Was there a specific moment that made you feel like you wanted to pursue it as a professional career?
I was dancing professionally, and I had that pause where I realised dancing was not enough. People were suggesting to start making music. At some point, I was like imma write my own lyrics and dance to it. It felt so stimulating to find that same zone of creativity like when I was dancing.
You released your first EP in March of 2020. Its title serves almost as a rallying cry for people – Rise & Walk –, was this your intention?
Yes, I wanted to create an inclusive space where people can dance, affirm themselves and be together. I wanted to give motivation and support, especially to women.
You describe this EP as “Bringing people together to dance and to create a great cultural diversity.” Given the way the world is at the moment, do you think that it is important to emphasise that despite the pandemic, we should all still feel able to dance and come together (even if not in the same room)?
I love to be alone, I think you have to know yourself, to feel good with other people. But in 2021 it’s vital, to find your community, even digitally, if you want to survive.
Your music is influenced by a lot of different flavours, from electro to hip-hop, but overarching, there is an undercurrent of electronic music and the underground. Why is this?
I used to travel a lot, (laughs). The thing that I loved to do, is to explore the underground club life of a city, it’s so interesting to discover what people are listening to, what is and where is the best club and why. Also, an excitement for me is change, there are so many genres of electro, I like to feel free and so that I can switch whenever I feel like it.
Having been a professional dancer prior to releasing music, did you have a greater understanding of rhythm and how to make ‘dance-able’ songs?
I guess it has helped, when you choreograph, you have to peel to the core of the song you are working on. Not only the structure of a beat but also the flow of the lyrics to know the perfect musicality. Everything is linked, the best thing is to take a dance class on a song you didn’t like at first and then by dancing on it you change your mind haha. Dance has that power!

Music is a great way to get rid of negative emotions – something you have spoken about before. Was releasing your EP a cathartic output of your emotions?
Yeah, a lot, I throw my emotions on songs and then move forward from it. Like Taylor Swift writes on her relationship. Shit, this should be some lyrics (laughs).
In releasing negative emotions through dance and music, which is such a positive way to do so, is your goal to make people feel better? Are you trying to show a positive way to deal with negativity?
I’m looking for a way to serve and do what I like. You can’t live without the negative, so you have to find a way to deal with it. It has helped me a lot, I wanted to share that experience through movement and music but there are tons of other ways, though.
Obviously, with you having danced with major musicians, does having a better understanding of the demands of the music industry prepare you for the future?
It has helped a lot for the stage and the live part because this is the physical part. But not for the rest.

Does writing, producing and performing all of your music help you find the point you want to reach musically? It must be good to have control over all the aspects of your releases.
I have a lot of work to do for the producing part when that is done maybe I’ll be satisfied. But it’s essential to control the creative aspect, or at least to do my best. I spend a lot of time to work on myself, and if it doesn’t represent what I want, there’s no point in releasing it.
You have a plan to release another EP and an album by the end of 2021. Are these releases going to be in a similar vein to Rise & Walk, with a similar message or a different one?
I write my songs to remember lessons or memories. There’ll never be the same message. Things have changed tremendously, I’m looking forward to a different one.