In March 2021, Hugo Louder, a new music platform created to give voice to inspiring artists from all over the world, was launched. Starting from Hugo's historical connection with music – remember when in 2012 the brand launched Hugo Tracks, promoting and expanding the message of electronic music through its channels – creators such as Kelvyn Colt, Rola or Patrick Mason have already participated in the project that emerged amid a global pandemic. Irish rap artist Rejjie Snow is the latest to join the series, under the motto: Find your inner Power.
Many brands include young talents and emerging artists in their discourse, but not all of them dare to undertake projects to help them in their professional careers and generate interesting synergies that contribute to creating new spaces where art and creativity meet. Hugo Louder, the platform promoted by Hugo, responds to a need that has been accentuated as a result of the pandemic. Artists need a place where they can express themselves freely, letting them connect with the audience through actions that, beyond music, address social or cultural issues. “With the latest project, we want to provide a platform to the voices of the future, inviting artists and the audience around the world to our unfolding brand adventure,” explains Lüder Fromm, Director of Global Marketing and Brand Communications at Hugo.
His monthly series now introduces us to Alexander Anyaegbunam, better known by his artistic name Rejjie Snow. An artist who has managed to make his relaxed beats and enveloping melodies his identity, who admits having learned to go with the flow, making art his best ally. His interesting mix of styles and influences makes him one of the most interesting creators of a generation that promises to revolutionise the scene. And the interpretation of his last song from his upcoming album Baw Baw Black Sheep on the Hugo Louder Box is a good example of that.
His monthly series now introduces us to Alexander Anyaegbunam, better known by his artistic name Rejjie Snow. An artist who has managed to make his relaxed beats and enveloping melodies his identity, who admits having learned to go with the flow, making art his best ally. His interesting mix of styles and influences makes him one of the most interesting creators of a generation that promises to revolutionise the scene. And the interpretation of his last song from his upcoming album Baw Baw Black Sheep on the Hugo Louder Box is a good example of that.