Dior has a daring new iteration of its iconic Dior Toujours bag, now reimagined in a striking vertical design. This season’s must-have accessory, created by Maria Grazia Chiuri, merges tradition and innovation, celebrating the brand’s heritage with the signature macrocannage motif and the timeless “D, I, O, R” charms—a tribute to Christian Dior’s love for symbolic talismans.
Versatility defines the new Dior Toujours. Its rounded handles and adjustable, removable strap allow for hand-held chicness and casual over-the-shoulder comfort. Adding a contemporary edge, the bag features an ingenious clasp adorned with the “CD” signature. Available in medium sizes with classic shades of black and powder beige, as well as small formats in playful candy light pink, latte Dior, and grey stone, this accessory embodies the savoir-faire and craftsmanship of Dior’s Ateliers.
A perfect blend of elegance and practicality, the vertical Dior Toujours captures the spirit of freedom and modernity. Now available in boutiques, it invites style enthusiasts to experience the balance of tradition and innovation that defines Dior’s universe.