If you’re a filmmaker (or know of someone who is), this is for you. Italian festival Conero Film + ADV is currently open for submissions, so if you’re working on a project or already have one that you’d like to present to the world, this is your chance. Until July 23rd, you have time to participate in the festival that “promotes a new idea of sustainability which, in addition to recognising our role in preserving the environment, also looks at human nature as something to highlight though filmmaking within the advertising industry.”
After last year’s first edition, which brought together agencies, brands, production companies and directors to enjoy three days off-grid in the idyllic Conero Regional Park in Italy, founders Mattia Fiumani and Niccolò Montanari are organising a second edition that will take place from September 1st to 3rd. The festival encourages collaborations between brands and filmmakers but putting a special emphasis on storytelling rather than product information. Also, they look for the pieces to have a somewhat cinematic scope, which inspires positive change. In all, Conero FIlm + Adv will select “commercial works of hybrid and experimental nature, across various genres of cinema, from fiction to documentary to animation,” and it also encourages independent personal projects that “offer interesting perspectives on environmental and human issues.”
To present those projects, you have to submit your work through their website, where detailed guidelines can be found. So don’t miss the chance of presenting your work, the world is waiting!