Conceived as a safe, queer, sex-positive space, Lunchbox Candy has established itself in the last year as an essential meeting place on the Berlin creative scene. Being the fruit of a lockdown brainstorm between music producer and floor agitator Elninodiablo and film/Creative Director and DJ Adam Munnings, the bi-monthly party that seeks a sensory connection in which all the arts come together surprisingly is now preparing to celebrate their first anniversary. When and where? Next Saturday, October 15, at ÆVE the club formerly known as Chalet. There will be a fantastic line-up and many surprises so that all attendees live a unique experience. See you there!
They will welcome back Kiwi (Crossbreed) and Chloé (Lumière Noire/Permanent Vacation) for the second round of their LbC fantasies, alongside their in-house residents: La Schmock, Elninodiablo & Sudha Kheterpal, (live percussion), Adam Munnings, plus three guest new additions, Jaxx TMS of Slic Unit, Freerange affiliate, DJ Philippa and DJ Aya (none/such). But that’s not all. After the good reception of this project in its first twelve months of life and its stimulating fusion of music, film, photography, styling, art, movement, sexuality, radical self-expression, love and joy, they're expanding the party to three floors including two dance floors, two lounge areas, the garden and their Loveroom.
Everyone is welcome at Lunchbox Candy. Queer, LGBTQ, non-binary, PoC, trans, gender bender and everything in between, talents from different disciplines come together to celebrate freedom and the expression of identity in a space that wants us to spread the love. Do you want to know more about what they have prepared for the night of Saturday, October 15? You can find all the information here.
Everyone is welcome at Lunchbox Candy. Queer, LGBTQ, non-binary, PoC, trans, gender bender and everything in between, talents from different disciplines come together to celebrate freedom and the expression of identity in a space that wants us to spread the love. Do you want to know more about what they have prepared for the night of Saturday, October 15? You can find all the information here.