Peek into the world of Gregory Robert, a dancer and model who also creates music, more widely known for his Instagram username, @gogolupin. He tells us how he wants to share his story and offer the world a new perspective; to look at life from a pink perspective. He shares with us the power this colour has had in his life, and how no social connotations will limit who he is and wants to become. His slick style and joyful aura draws us to want to know more about his life, and luckily for us, he isn’t afraid to share; to him, posting his everyday life through social media has become something as normal as eating breakfast each morning.
A dancer, a model, a ‘flower boy’ – but in your own words, who is Gregory Robert?
It funny you ask me this question, I think you are the first one. Gregory Robert is a tall guy, a dreamer, a lover, shy, afraid about the world and with the ambition to have a family. Gogo Lupin is Gregory 2.0: afraid of nothing. He is there to realize all of Gregory Robert’s dreams and put some spice in his life. I want to say, Gregory is a man and Gogo is a woman.
You mention you have a Guadeloupian, Haitian and Indian background. Do these different cultures influence your style and way of living, or would you say you have a more Parisian outlook on life?
I will say Parisian. I was born and grew up in Paris, so yeah, definitely Parisian – but with West Indies vibes (laughs).
Was modelling something you always wanted to do? How did you get discovered?
No, in my core I’m a dancer so I was really focused on that. I wanted only to dance and make a career out of it, but one day I was discovered on the street by photographer Kira Bunse; and like that I starting modelling.

Your Instagram following is huge. How has this exposure influenced the way you handle your professional and personal life, especially when dealing with the issue of privacy?
To be honest, for me it’s like eating my breakfast (laughs). I’m really cosy with all this. You know, I don’t come from this game and I have nothing to prove to anyone so I’m cool, I can show you everything about me, I don’t care. I have a story and I want a show it to you.
You recently had a Pinkvision exhibition in Paris, can you tell us more about that?
Yeah, the idea was to show a new image of ‘pink’. It was a series of portraits very different from each other and of people who don’t wear this colour. I imagined the world of tomorrow with a desire to break the established codes. I also did it to show that you may be a girl, a boy or an alien, but pink softens the human being and one can perceive each other’s sensitivity and the love in the eyes. Pink is for everybody.
What is the first word that comes to mind when you think of the colour pink?
The first? ‘Love’, of course.
At what age did you start to mostly or only wear pink clothes?
I am twenty-six now, so when I was twenty-two years old.

Pink, in modern society, is linked to femininity and tenderness. Have you ever been encountered with haters telling you “Pink is for girls”? If so, how did you react to this?
You know, pink has always been my favourite colour. When I started wearing pink was when I started to accept myself. So before, when people told me “Pink is for girls” – or squarely that I’m gay –, I didn’t pay attention because, as I tell you, I know who I am. And do you want to know something? To me I’m the best mix between a woman and a man! My reaction was like “I’m gonna change your mind, believe me”. And today, when I see what happens around pink colour, I am like “I love you, pink is a colour of love and today everybody understands that.” So I feel blessed.
Who is your biggest style icon?
My daddy is my biggest style icon.
Who are the Flower Boys?
A music group constituted by three members: Samo, Taylor and me. We are mostly associated as a boy band of modern time. We present ourselves as young artists and contractors who want to show a new image of what surrounds us today and to put men (gentlemen) up to nowadays vibe. We love colours, flowers and champagne, and with all that we create magic.
I’ve been listening to Spring Never Ends, your Radio Fleur soundtrack. How would you describe your sound?
It translates the Flower Boys’ spirit: fun, love, colourful, peace, and cosiness.
It's the soundtrack of our lives.
Can we expect to hear some new releases anytime soon?
I am a creative guy. I think a lot and have many ideas in my mind, so don’t worry, there will be a lot of stuff coming, just stay connected. I’m here to tell you my story and share my vision so open your mind and your eyes and look at what is gonna happen!