When personal and professional connections meet and mesh perfectly, they result in exciting projects defined by coherence and combined strength. That is precisely the foundation on which the new synth-pop/rock duo Your Future Ghost is built. The project led by Billboard-charting singer/songwriter, musician and actress Kate Voegele and the multifaceted songwriter, producer, composer and actor Michael Grubbs is releasing today their new single, We've Got Places. Welcome to a new era that promises to continue surprising, stay tuned!
"Our voices blended in a way that inspired us both to write in this unique hemisphere of a sound neither of us had ever really explored before in our solo projects,” says Kate Voegele when asked about the catalyst for their creative fusion. A synergy that they shaped after striking up a fast friendship and mutual creative respect, and then collaborating musically over Zoom during the pandemic. Now the time has come to share their new and exciting project with the world, and they have decided to present it with their just-released single We've Got Places.

This is a single all about that place where you find refuge from whatever noise is going on in the world. “Whether it's an actual place, a person, or something else, I think we all have those places where we can escape the chaos and be ourselves," confides Kate, who along with Michael wants to encourage folks to accept themselves through Your Future Ghost. A great challenge for which the artistic duo is ready. We’ll tell you more about their upcoming album which features a collection of joyful, wild and dark pop songs very soon.