With careers that span over a decade, these French dance-pop musicians know how to make an unforgettable name for themselves. Yelle debuted with the late-2000s classic Pop-Up in the MySpace age, then continued to release effervescent singles and strong catchy electropop-like albums. Balancing culture is something that is deep-rooted to their sound and the way their express themselves, personally and professionally. And this is exactly what they're doing with their newest music video titled Noir.
From Yelle's newest album L'Ere du Verseau, Noir is an ode to unapologetically applauding who you are, by putting on an all-black outfit and staying out into the late or early hours of the night. It is reminiscent of how we use our bodies as a catalyst for revolution, the change we want to see by using our bodies as a blank canvas ready for a transformation. It's about the power of being anything your heart desires exudes through her free-spirited attitude.