If you live in a big city with metro, you’re already used to witnessing sleepy faces early in the morning, stressful situations when transferring from one line to another, pickpockets in action, or spontaneous singers and musicians. But do you really pay attention to the stations themselves?
If not, you should start now, especially if you’re in Berlin. The exhibition Underground Architecture: Berlin Metro Stations 1953 – 1994, inaugurating on February 16 at the Berlinische Galerie, shows some of the most interesting and diverse stations in the German capital. Some of them were threatened by radical revamps, but fortunately, twenty seven of the eighty two stations are now listed monuments, displaying the different artistic and architectural approaches, ranging from plain and functional to colourful and cheerful, by photographers and architects like Ralf Schüler, Bruno Grimmek, Chris M. Forsyth, Ursulina Schüler-Witte, or Rainer G. Rümmler.
The exhibition Underground Architecture: Berlin Metro Stations 1953 – 1994 will inaugurate on February 16 and will be on view until May 20 at the Berlinische Galerie, Alte Jakobstrasse 124-128, Berlin.

Bruno Grimmek, Holzhauser Straße 1957, Berlinische-Galerie.

Chris M Forsyth, Richard-Wagner-Platz 2016, Berlinische Galerie.

Ralf Schüler und Ursuline Schüler-Witte U-Bahnhof Schoßstraße, Bahnsteig 1974, Berlinische Galerie.

Walter Grzimek, Kerberos, 1972, aufgestellt im U-Bahnhof Rathaus Steglitz 1974.

Bruno Grimmek, Holzhauser Straße 1957, Berlinische-Galerie.