Now that we’re about to launch our new Spring/Summer 2020 issue, and given the exceptional situation we’re living in, we believe it’s a good moment to reflect on the past and go over everything that’s brought us here. It’s been 14 years already. Many issues, many covers. And we’d like to do it with you. Are you in? Recreate one of the covers we’ve published in the past, and in exchange, we’ll send you our latest Fall/Winter 2019-2020 issue digitally. Here, we present you a handful of proposals, but you can choose any other one that you prefer.
How does it work? Easy. You can remake the cover the way you want: you can take a picture and become the cover star yourself, you can make a collage, a pencil drawing, painting with watercolour – anything. And then? Follow us at our Instagram, post the result on your Instagram feed or on Stories mentioning/tagging us, use the hashtags #Metalchallengedoyourcover and #Metalchallengeremakeacover, and nominate five friends. We’ll compile all of them to publish them on our website and Instagram stories. You can also send it to [email protected] until April 30th. And if you’d like to do more than one, please do! Feel free to send as many as you want. Stay at home, and stay safe!

METAL 42 / Photo: Teddy Iborra – Styling: Mónica Zafra

METAL 41 / Photo: Andreas Karlsson – Styling: Esperanza de la Fuente

METAL 39 / Photo: Clément Pascal – Styling: Romina Herrera Malatesta

METAL 39 / Photo: John Yuyi – Styling: Lisa Jarvis

METAL 38 / Photo: Teddy Iborra – Styling: Mónica Zafra

METAL 38 / Photo: Barrie Hullegie – Styling: Leendert Sonnevelt

METAL 37 / Photo: Gabriela Celeste – Styling: Lisa Jarvis

METAL 32 / Photo: Poncho Paradela – Styling: Georgina Santiago

METAL 31 / Photo: Frederik Heyman – Styling: Santi Rodríguez

METAL 29 / Photo: Robi Rodriguez – Styling: Raquel García

METAL 20 / Photo: San Sierra – Styling: Ángela Esteban Librero

METAL 12 / Photo: Txema Yeste – Styling: Ana Murillas

METAL 10 / Photo: Txema Yeste – Styling: Alberto Murtra

METAL 7 / Photo: Miguel Villalobos – Styling: Graham Tabor

METAL 3 / Photo: Daniel Sannwald – Styling: Silvia Méndez