Sending a message of love and making music a tool to connect with his audience, transatlantic artist MAUVEY gears his craft toward helping listeners love themselves and others alike. He is now releasing his new seven-song EP, BEFORE THE ALBUM: a love letter to the moons of mars. A project he released the same day that he unveiled his single YOU KNOW YOU'RE MY FAVOURITE!, a song reminding them that at the end of the day they know they are your favourite and you know you are their favourite. This song is added to PROVE IT! or I STILL GET BUTTERFLIES FOR YOU IN MY TUMMY, among others, also included in his new release.
BEFORE THE ALBUM: a love letter to the moons of mars is a head-first dive into the highs and lows that stem from an emotional rollercoaster going to and from between relishing in perfect synergy and falling prey to unrequited love. This is what the talented musical artist MAUVEY replies when asked about his audacious and butterfly-ridden EP. “My mission is to distribute love, and there's no better way to do that than through music,” he adds, emphasising the importance that his passion and profession have in feeling fulfilled and in being able to share his feelings and experiences with his listeners.
From doing whatever it takes to get their trust back, an issue he addresses in PROVE IT!, to a song reminding yourself that even though you were the worst together, you had the time of your lives together under the name of WE HAD THE TIME OF OUR LIVES TOGETHER. This new EP stems from a sense of gratitude and shows us that the artist feels comfortable with himself, having found his personal sound after a process of experimentation and introspection. “The ‘love letter’ is a synopsis, the book (this EP) is seven chapters (songs) long. This ‘love letter,’ like most, is an audition. I won't force you into my world, my stories, and my life. It's your choice.” He will be performing at The Social, London, on February 8, 2023. Tickets can be found here.