Watch Blaze, the last chapter of the three-part series Hazard, directed by creative studio Antilope and produced by Core. Elliot and Louis, the film directors and co-founders of the studio, explain that the title makes reference to “the sudden outburst you experience when you finally feel like everything is going to be ok” as well as being synonymous with “the fire and rage we all have inside that makes us want to do better and respect the earth.”
Following a group of Berliners, the series Hazard has taken us on an audio-visual journey through the three main stages of quarantine: seeking refuge in our safe place in chapter one, Home; feeling paranoia and being fearful of others in Dusk; and finally, the so-called ‘new normal’, leaving our homes knowing nothing is going to be ever the same – as the video’s voice-over puts it “The unknown is around the corner. A new normal has begun. Self-ruled, unshackled. We rise again.”
According to the directors, Blaze “is about our awakening” and “talks about humanity and how we manage to survive no matter what.” After feeling uneasy in the beginning of the lockdown and suspicious, concerned and fearful right after, we’re now coming out of this sort of space-time parenthesis as someone new. “Lockdown has offered the world a little time to stop and think. We don’t really know what comes next, but for now, besides the tragedy, rests hope.”
The world’s still mad and revolting though, yes: the Covid-19 pandemic is far from over, there could be a second lockdown when the second wave hits us, and continuous fights for equal rights – be it the LGBT+ community, the Black community, women, refugees, etc. – keep springing worldwide. However, these bigger issues are also teaching us the importance of the small details, of those everyday things, activities, places and people we took for granted. “The best part of blazing out is the bittersweet taste of the first sip of beer, discovering the world with new eyes, wondering if it will really change,” say Louis and Elliot.
This childlike, sort of naive curiosity should be our fuel to think outside the box and face the challenges ahead in a new light. It’s 2020, but many still have to catch up. After having had time to reflect on the state of the world and our inner selves, maybe the time has come to finally overcome our fear of change and promote it tirelessly.
According to the directors, Blaze “is about our awakening” and “talks about humanity and how we manage to survive no matter what.” After feeling uneasy in the beginning of the lockdown and suspicious, concerned and fearful right after, we’re now coming out of this sort of space-time parenthesis as someone new. “Lockdown has offered the world a little time to stop and think. We don’t really know what comes next, but for now, besides the tragedy, rests hope.”
The world’s still mad and revolting though, yes: the Covid-19 pandemic is far from over, there could be a second lockdown when the second wave hits us, and continuous fights for equal rights – be it the LGBT+ community, the Black community, women, refugees, etc. – keep springing worldwide. However, these bigger issues are also teaching us the importance of the small details, of those everyday things, activities, places and people we took for granted. “The best part of blazing out is the bittersweet taste of the first sip of beer, discovering the world with new eyes, wondering if it will really change,” say Louis and Elliot.
This childlike, sort of naive curiosity should be our fuel to think outside the box and face the challenges ahead in a new light. It’s 2020, but many still have to catch up. After having had time to reflect on the state of the world and our inner selves, maybe the time has come to finally overcome our fear of change and promote it tirelessly.