“They don’t build statues of critics”, reads Charli XCX’s t-shirt recently photographed by the paparazzi; the statement captures the vibe of Internet babe Eyedigo.Muse rendered by TRASHYMUSE. When you’re an iconic pop-princess who models in shiny editorials it’s easier to leave criticism to academics. Eyedigo.Muse is taking up space for queers online for fun, uncritically. Today however they have shown us they are the reader, rather than the main character. The model spends time researching and analysing online behaviour, as well as collaborating with creatives, not taking endless selfies. We spoke in the metaspace about what it’s like to be them – between snacks of sweet berries native to Eyedigo’s world, watching the glowing fluorescent sunset.
Article taken from METAL Magazine issue 46. Adapted for the online version. Order your copy here.
We first met the avatar Eyedigo.Muse DJing inside an NFT. They are both the product of and raver within contemporary club culture. Built as an uplifting symbol of universal human and digital experience, they have no default setting and change skins regularly. Their body pixels are ephemeral. That is, Eyedigo.Muse’s body and nationality aren’t fixed. Additionally, they often exist beyond our gaze all-together. “That’s the thing: I don’t exist online anymore.” Eyedigo.Muse shares, rendered tangible in physical format in these pages. Instead of living exclusively online or posting excessively on Instagram, they pay homage to the literary etymology of ‘metaverse’: focusing on their story. The history of the word metaverse points towards Neal Stephenson’s sci-fi fiction – a book called Snow Crash from the early 90s and Ernest Cline’s 00s dystopian sci-fi novel Ready Player 1, whilst Oxford Reference defines metaverse as “a slang term used to describe a virtual representation of reality implemented by means of virtual reality software” in the context of computer science. All evoke a sort of parallel sphere facilitated by the Internet. That’s where Eyedigo.Muse lives, at the crossroads of computing, fiction and reality. Eyedigo.Muse models all digitally rendered fashion in a fictional world. Their favourite pieces? The cap, top and hoodie that comprise the capsule collection by MISBHV x TEB featuring Matrix meets Apollinaire script printed on the garments. The pieces depict a touching poem, and all the proceeds go to UNICEF. Again, Eyedigo.Muse is happily crossing between the digital and physical, since these are the only clothes worn in the editorial with physical counterparts. The rest can be shown off in the metaverse.
Let’s jump into Eyedigo.Muse’s world: sculptural gravity-defying fashion reproduces awe-inspiring natural structures of amoebas, coral, and sea organisms. Plants float in the liquid space of Metamorphosis, the shoot location. Garments glow like deep- sea creatures, so do their eyes. Allium-type gold flowers sprout with saccharine perfume; the heady scent reminds us of Mugler’s pioneering transposition of food-industry caramel scents into fragrance. We love it. Nothing goes sour here. Eyedigo.Muse is always up for a good time. Describing their stunning homeland, the avatar reminded us that they’re in constant zero gravity seemingly outside of linear time. For them, dreaming of perfection is easy; unshackled by many physical limitations and practicalities of our world, in their neon- grid that extends as far as the imagination can carry. They sigh, “The metaverse can truly be a safe space for us all. To exchange, educate ourselves, experiment, succeed and fail.” Tech-idealist to the core, Eyedigo.Muse has seen hope in positive online interactions such as the support trans, Black and disabled voices find channelling movements for diversity from online to IRL.
Sometimes, as the world has danced in flux with Covid, the digital world has felt more consistent to commune with others than the physical one. Literally dancing, alone in these images but together with us in spirit, Eyedigo.Muse listens to VTSS Projections in their headphones. DJing is part of Eyedigo.Muse’s source code too admitting, “Wow. You just made me think about it consciously for the first time. I think DJing is a way of synthesising, blending, bending and nudging reality.” Like their sense of style, mixing it up and making waves is what Eyedigo.Muse came here to do.
Let’s jump into Eyedigo.Muse’s world: sculptural gravity-defying fashion reproduces awe-inspiring natural structures of amoebas, coral, and sea organisms. Plants float in the liquid space of Metamorphosis, the shoot location. Garments glow like deep- sea creatures, so do their eyes. Allium-type gold flowers sprout with saccharine perfume; the heady scent reminds us of Mugler’s pioneering transposition of food-industry caramel scents into fragrance. We love it. Nothing goes sour here. Eyedigo.Muse is always up for a good time. Describing their stunning homeland, the avatar reminded us that they’re in constant zero gravity seemingly outside of linear time. For them, dreaming of perfection is easy; unshackled by many physical limitations and practicalities of our world, in their neon- grid that extends as far as the imagination can carry. They sigh, “The metaverse can truly be a safe space for us all. To exchange, educate ourselves, experiment, succeed and fail.” Tech-idealist to the core, Eyedigo.Muse has seen hope in positive online interactions such as the support trans, Black and disabled voices find channelling movements for diversity from online to IRL.
Sometimes, as the world has danced in flux with Covid, the digital world has felt more consistent to commune with others than the physical one. Literally dancing, alone in these images but together with us in spirit, Eyedigo.Muse listens to VTSS Projections in their headphones. DJing is part of Eyedigo.Muse’s source code too admitting, “Wow. You just made me think about it consciously for the first time. I think DJing is a way of synthesising, blending, bending and nudging reality.” Like their sense of style, mixing it up and making waves is what Eyedigo.Muse came here to do.

Idolomantis dress and exosqueletal heels by ALEJANDRO DELGADO.

T-shirt and cap MISBHV x TELEKOM ELECTRONIC BEATS, skirt TELEKOM ELECTRONIC BEATS designed by TRASHYMUSE, prosthetic athletic heels Alien Weapon 1.0 designed by WINDOWSEN and digitally created by POLYGON COUTURE.

Immortality dress and Quantum boots by ALEJANDRO DELGADO.



Idolomantis dress and exosqueletal heels by ALEJANDRO DELGADO.

Puffer jacket and trousers created and designed by VIRTUAL RAGS x 2D illustrator POLINA ALEKSEENKO, digital trainers ISDKV by ILYAS DARAKCHIEV.