Being a reminder for her not to take herself so seriously but, at the same time, to embrace “unseriousness,” play, and fantasize, the latest song and music video by Camille Schmidt, XOXO, was written in a moment where she was finding delicious freedom in realizing, “Huh, so you don't like me…. Oops, I don’t care!” i.e. XOXO, feel better soon,” she tells us. The track presents her voice distorted with vocal processing but somehow stronger for its digital warps in a sound experimentation exercise with which the artist continues to carve out a niche for herself in the music scene.
These layers of manipulation are like armor and protection as she reveals the crevices of her inner thoughts. "XOXO is a love note with a few different containers: the people who never really got me and this character I used to feel I had to play around people. Over the past few years I've discovered that playfulness can be a real hex against all that inauthenticity,” she tells us when we ask her about the starting point of this new track, which comes along with a music video and which arrives after having released her debut EP Good Person this past June.
On her debut album, Nude #9, the Brooklyn-based singer and songwriter renders revealing and personal portraits of herself, her family, and her former and future lover. The songs that would become Nude #9 began to take shape last December, writing at least a song a week and working together with LA-based producer Ben Zaidi, and the debut album will be out on January 10th. “A lot of these songs were written completely stream of consciousness,” she said.